MANAR publishes in Inorganic Chemistry

October 20, 2015

Ph.D. students Phuong T. K. Nguyen and Huong T. D. Nguyen and former MANAR research assistant Hung Q. Pham are authors on a recently accepted research paper in Inorganic Chemistry (Impact Factor 4.762) entitled "Synthesis and Selective CO2 Capture Properties of a Series of Hexatopic Linker–Based Metal-Organic Frameworks". Congratulations Students!

Publication Details:

Synthesis and Selective CO2 Capture Properties of a Series of Hexatopic Linker–Based Metal-Organic Frameworks
P. T. K. Nguyen, H. T. D. Nguyen, H. Q. Pham, J. Kim, K. E. Cordova, H. Furukawa, Inorg. Chem., 2015, Accepted.