Global Science Principles

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Elena Zhukova

How does Global Science work?

The global science model is implemented by recruiting experienced, high profile researchers in the global science community to serve as research directors (mentors) of newly established research centers of excellence abroad (termed 'Global Science Nodes'). These mentors will also place their former students (proteges) or close associates as principal investigators abroad and help them to build research capacity and infrastructure. The principle investigators (proteges) will then serve as mentors to rising scientists and young scholars at these newly established centers. This results in a sustainable model that ensures the continual transfer of knowledge and experience from one generation of scholars to the next. 

The Principles of Extending Innovative Science Globally


An open and inclusive culture of research and learning is essential for success. Women and minorities must be actively recruited and retained at our Global Science Nodes.

Mutual Understanding

Experienced, high profile professors, recruited as mentors, must be sincerely committed to the goal of installing the global mentoring model. These mentors serve as an example to the proteges and emerging scholars in how to build research capacity and infrastruture. All individuals involved must understand and be able to work through cultural and language barriers to achieve common goals. Finally, there needs to be a foundation of mutual trust and respect moving forward.


Mentors, proteges, and emerging scholar must be able to freely move across international borders. Additionally, electronic communication is necessary for relaying research results, updates, and progress.

Working from a Position of Strength

The experience and wisdom of the mentors involved in a global science venture must be taken advantage of. Proteges, who are typically beginning their independent careers, are more willing to move abroad and may even value the opportunity to begin their careers in a new setting.

A Solid Infrastructure

Researchers involved (including the mentor and proteges) must have a clear vision for what the mentoring process entails, the goals they plan to accomplish, and a viable plan for how to be sucessful. Mechanisms for ensuring that space, equipment, financial resources, and personnel must be in place prior to the endeavor being initiated.


The goals of creating a mentoring program are not solely based on mentoring students; they also must ensure that the research center will continue to thrive for many years. Intellectual property must be addressed, but should not hinder any collaborative effort. It is recommended that a contract be put in place that highlights the parameters of the collaboration program: leadership matters, operation and management, intellectual property, conflict resolution, and, if applicable, funding.


Start-up funds are typically available in the home country for the creation of new centers of excellence, provided there is a robust research agenda in place. In the event that such funds are not readily available, mentors must assist proteges in defining an achievable research agenda and in writing grant applications to make a convincing case for obtaining seed funds.

Institutional and Intergovernmental Support

The mutual governments of the partnering institutions must be informed and consulted with as the mentoring program is being organized, planned, and developed. This encourages transparency and allows researchers to collaborate and operate in a supportive atmosphere.

BGSI Publications

We have published numerous articles about the guiding principles of global science and how it is implemented:

Building a Global Culture of Science — The Vietnam Experience

K. E. Cordova and O. M. Yaghi, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 201857, 2.

We detail the lessons learned, challenges, achievements, and outlook in building a chemistry research center in Vietnam. Through the principles of "global science", we provide specific insight into the process behind establishing an internationally-competitive research program—a model that is scalable and adaptable to countries beyond Vietnam. Furthermore, we highlight the prospects for success in advancing global science education, research capacity building, and Mentorship.

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Facilitating Laboratory Research Experience Using Reticular Chemistry 

S. J. Lyle, R. W. Flaig, K. E. Cordova, O. M. Yaghi, J. Chem. Educ.201895, 1512.

Rapid development in the field of reticular chemistry has allowed scientists ever-increasing control over the design and synthesis of crystalline porous materials. The promise that this field has in the development of next generation materials for numerous applications (gas storage and separation, catalysis, chemical sensing, electronics) relies on the effective training of new scientists in the diverse array of computational, synthetic, and analytical techniques that reticular chemistry requires. Herein, we describe a laboratory research experience designed to equip a class of upper-division undergraduates in chemistry and chemical engineering not only with these skills but also the skills necessary to communicate their future research accomplishments to the greater scientific community. The course is subdivided into three modules: (i) synthesis, characterization, and post-synthetic modification of metal−organic frameworks; (ii) superacid catalysis with metal−organic frameworks; and (iii) synthesis, characterization, and gas adsorption applications of covalent organic frameworks.

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The Development of Global Science

K. E. Cordova, H. Furukawa, O. M. Yaghi, ACS Cent. Sci., 20151, 18.

How do we build research capacity throughout the world and capture the great human potential? To us, the answer is rather straightforward: the time-honored tradition of scientific mentoring must be practiced on a wider scale across borders. Herein, we detail the necessity for expanding mentorship to a global scale and provide several important principles to be considered when designing, planning, and implementing programs and centers of research around the world.

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