Upon invitation, Prof. Michael O'Keeffe provides a school/workshop titled, "Nets, Tilings, Topological Crystal Chemistry and Designed Synthesis of Porous Materials," to research groups around the world. This school/workshop covers:
- Designed Synthesis and Applications of Microporous Materials
- Introduction to Graph Theory and its Application to Crystal Nets
- Introduction to Tiling Theory and its Application to Crystal Nets
- Enumeration and Classification of Crystal Nets
- Towards a Taxonomy of MOF Structures
Some Notes on Symmetry Groups
This school/workshop has strengthened the global science network immensely and has provided educational and professional growth to research groups in China, Saudi Arabia, Korea, and Sweden.
To contact Prof. O'Keeffe about bringing this opportunity to your school, please contact him by email: mokeeffe@asu.edu
Wuhan University with Prof. Hexiang Deng (China, 2015)
KAUST with Prof. Mohamed Eddaoudi (Saudi Arabia, 2014)
Fudan University with Qiaowei Li (China, 2014)
Peking University with Prof. Junliang Sun (China, 2013)
Stockholm University with Prof. Xiaodong Zou (Sweden, 2012)
Soongsil University with Prof. Jaheon Kim (Korea, 2011)
Jilin University with Prof. Shilun Qiu (China, 2010)