Binh T. Nguyen is Awarded Prestigious CONICET Fellowship to Work at SuNaLab in Argentina

December 28, 2017
Once a year the Argentinean National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) awards Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Fellowships to talented young scholars starting their scientific projects. These fellowships are given to all areas of research and they are the main and most important source of funding for students in the country. In recent years, due to the ongoing country reorganization, the number of granted fellowships has been significantly reduced. For postdoctoral fellowships this year, in particular, there were ~150 applicants in the field of chemistry from the entire country. However, only 41 candidates were selected based on their CV, selected research advisers, Institute/workplace, and proposed research plan.

As such, MANAR Global Science Scholar, Binh T. Nguyen, was awarded one of the prestigious CONICET Postdoctoral fellowships, which provides him with the opportunity to carry out research in Prof. Alejandro Fracaroli's SuNaLab (a Global Science Node) at UNC, Argentina.

Congratulations Binh and Alejandro!