The Center for Global Mentoring (University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA) and Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) leadership held a UCLA – Center for Molecular and NanoArchitecture (MANAR, VN) symposium, titled "The Chemistry of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Related Materials" in celebration of the success of MANAR. This symposium brought together more than 20 of the world’s most renowned scholars to exchange information and ideas in regards to nanomaterials, called metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), which hold promise of great impact on renewable energy development and potential solutions for local and global environment issues. The symposium took place in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on March 20-22, 2011 under the co-sponsorship of MANAR and UCLA.
The symposium strengthened the relationship between Vietnamese scientists and international colleagues and provided a forum for the discussion of recent advances in materials science and inorganic chemistry research.
To view the symposium program, click here.
Scientific Objectives
- To provide a forum for global researchers and authority in the field of framework materials to interact, exchange, and promote research and applications aiming at sustainable development of clean / green energy
Topics Covered
- Synthesis and characterization of new framework materials
- Applications of framework materials in gas storage, catalysis, and membrane technology
- Nanoparticles, nanostructured materials and applications
- Omar M. Yaghi, University of California, Los Angeles
- William A. Goddard, California Institute of Technology
- Peidong Yang, University of California, Berkeley
- Fraser Stoddart, Northwestern University
- Susumu Kitagawa, Kyoto University
- Roland A. Fischer, Ruhr Universitat Research School
- Jeffrey R. Long, University of California, Berkeley
- Christopher J. Chang, University of California, Berkeley
- Osamu Terasaki, Stockholm University
- Berend Smit, University of California, Berkeley
- Son Binh Nguyen, Northwestern University
- Xiao Ming Chen, Sun Yat-Sen University
- Myunghyun Paik Suh, Seoul National University
- Martin Schroder, University of Manchester
- Hong-Cai Joe Zhou, Texas A&M University
- Joseph T. Hupp, Northwestern University
- Kimoon Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology
- Michael O’Keeffe, Arizona State University
- Seth Cohen, University of California, Sandiego
- Choi Kyungmin, KAIST
- Jaheon Kim, Soongsil University
- Nathaniel L. Rosi, University of Pittsburgh
- Tashiro Kentaro, NIMS
- Juan Hinestroza, Cornell University
- Dongyuan Zhao, Fudan University
Hosting Organizations
- Center for Molecular and NanoArchitecture (MANAR), Vietnam
- Center for Global Mentoring, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
- Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM), Vietnam
Conference Chairs
- Nguyen Van Hieu (VAST-VN)
- Omar Yaghi (UCLA-USA)
Phan Thanh Binh (VNU-HCM)