Dr. Alejandro Fracaroli, a leading scholar from our partnering global science center, SuNaLab, Argentina, delivered the first MOF workshop in Peru. The workshop, "Introduction to a New Class of Porous Materials called MOFs and their Applications", was held in the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), in the city of Lima, Peru. Between 9 and 13 of July, 42 students with different backgrounds had the opportunity to learn about reticular chemistry, basic topology concepts applied to MOFs, synthetic strategies, functionalization and material's application in water harvesting, selective CO2 capture, enzyme-inspired heterogeneous catalysis, drug delivery, crystallography without crystals, among others. The workshop was divided into three modules and one experimental activity in which students had the chance to observe two different synthetic procedures to obtain HKUST-1 and MOF-5 crystals. The audience came from two different countries (from different parts of Peru, but also from Mexico), participated actively on the proposed activities showing great enthusiasm for the chemistry and application of metal-organic frameworks.
To view the workshop program, click here.

Topics Covered
- Reticular chemistry
- Basic topology concepts applied to MOFs
- Synthetic strategies
- Functionalization and material's application in water harvesting, selective CO2 capture, enzyme-inspired heterogeneous catalysis, drug delivery
- Crystallography without crystals
Featured Speakers
- Alejandro Fracaroli, National University of Cordoba, Argentina (SuNaLab)
- Fiorella Olivera, Cayetano Heredia University, Peru
Hosting Organizations
- Cayetano Heredia University
- ACS Peru
Supporting Organizations
- Berkeley Global Science Institute